507.00 - Special Student Health Services
507.00 - Special Student Health ServicesSome students need special health services to participate in their educational program. These students shall receive special health services concomitant with their educational program. Licensed health personnel shall provide special health services under the auspices of the school. The duties of the licensed personnel include:
□ to participate as a member of the education team
□ to provide the health assessment;
□ to plan, implement, and evaluate the written individual health plan;
□ to plan, implement, and evaluate special emergency health services;
□ to serve as a liaison and encourage participation and communication with health service agencies and individuals providing health care;
□ to provide health consultation, counseling, and instruction to the student, the student’s parent, and the staff in cooperation and conjunction with the prescriber;
□ to maintain a record of special health services;
□ to report unusual circumstances to the prescriber, parent and school administration; and
□ to assign, delegate, instruct, provide technical assistance to and supervise qualified designated personnel; and update knowledge and skills to meet special health service needs;
The record of special health services shall include:
□ the student’s name;
□ the special health service;
□ the prescriber or person authorizing;
□ the date and time;
□ the signature and title or the person providing the special health service; and
□ any unusual circumstances in the provision of such services.
Prior to the provision of special health services the following shall be on file:
□ a written statement by the prescriber detailing the specific method and schedule of the special health service, when indicated;
□ a written statement by the student’s parent requesting the provision of the special health service;
□ a written report of the preplanning staffing or meeting of the education team; and
□ a written individual health plan.
Licensed health personnel, in collaboration with the education team, shall determine the special health services to be provided and the qualifications of individuals performing the special health services. The documented rationale shall include the following:
□ an analysis and interpretation of the special health service needs, health status stability, complexity of the service, predictability of the service outcome, and risk of improperly performed service;
□ the determination that the special health service, task, procedure, or function is part of the person’s job description;
□ the determination of the assignment and delegation based on the student’s needs;
□ a review of the designated person’s competence; and
□ the determination of initial and ongoing level of supervision required to ensure quality services.
Licensed health personnel shall supervise the special health services, define the level of supervision, and document the supervision.
Licensed health personnel shall instruct qualified designated personnel to deliver and perform special health services contained in the individual health plan. Documentation of instruction and periodic updates shall be on file at the school.
Parents shall provide the usual equipment, supplies, and necessary maintenance for such. The equipment shall be stored in a secured area. Personnel responsible for the equipment shall be designated in the individual health plan.
Qualified designated personnel, other than licensed personnel, shall be presumed to agree to provide the special health service unless presenting to district personnel a signed written refusal to provide such service.
Legal Reference: 155A.4(2)“c”, Iowa Code Education {281} - §41.23 (281); §12.3(9)
Cross Reference:
Approved: 2-10-94, 1-10-00, 11-11-02, 2-12-07, 11-12-12, 2-8-16, 2-13-19
Reviewed: 12-13-99, 10-14-02, 2-12-07, 11-12-12, 2-8-16, 2-13-19
Revised: 10-14-02