Click the links below to find the school board meeting minutes.


Jen@iowaschool… Thu, 09/19/2019 - 10:48



2024-25 MINUTES

Click the links below to find the school board meeting minutes.


Jen@iowaschool… Fri, 06/07/2024 - 08:29

2024.07.08 Board Minutes

2024.07.08 Board Minutes



JULY 8, 2024


The Bennett Board of Education met for its regular monthly meeting on Monday, July 8, 2024 in the staff workroom of the Bennett Community School, Bennett, IA. Vice President Greg Reynolds called the meeting to order at 7pm. Directors Denise McGhee, Chad Giebelstein, and Nicole Wolf answered roll call and a quorum was declared. Also present were Superintendent Shane Knoche, Principal Jeremiah Costello, Board Secretary Kylee Yoerger, Jean Semsch, Ian Bjurstrom, Teresa Bjurstrom, Stacey Hennings, and Susan Stoefen.  


The mission statement was read.  


Staff/Student Forum: None


Public Forum: A member of the public brought up concerns about support staff turnover and the effect it has on students in the district with 504’s or IEP’s. 


Superintendent’s Report: Mr. Knoche advised he will be attending the following trainings in the next month: Grundmeyer Learning Services 7/9, SAI Training for New Superintendents 7/10, Title IX Training 7/12, SAI State mandated mentoring, Leadership Team Building 8/6 12-4pm, SAI Annual Conference 8/7 and 8/8. Mr. Knoche also recommended to do a first reading for Title IX Discrimination Policies 106.1(5 Procedures) and then hold on the 2nd reading to see what the courts determine.


Principal’s Report: Welcome Mr. Knoche! Our custodian Mr. Deerberg has been working hard to get the school ready for the 2024/2025 school year cleaning rooms, getting ready to wax the halls, and preparing the gym. Mr. Deerberg and Mr. Hermsen put up the new Bomber gym pads and they look great. School registration is July 15th-August 9th and families can make online payments with no fee during this time. The summer lunch program is now serving over 160 meals each Tuesday. 


Director Giebelstein moved, seconded by Director Wolf to approve the agenda.  Motion carried 3/0.


General Business of the Board:  

8a: Director Giebelstein moved, seconded by Director Wolf to approve the minutes from June 10th, claims totaling $466,906.42 and June financials.  Motion carried 3/0.

B. Policy Review: None

C. Carpet bids: Carpetland, Martin Floorworks: waiting for an additional bid to compare pricing.

D. Director Giebelstein moved, seconded by Director Wolf to approve the milk bid from Prairie Farms Dairy.

E. EOP moved to August board meeting.

F. Contracts/Resignations: None


Announcements/Discussion: There will be a board work session on July 23, 2024 from 5:30-7:30pm. Denise McGhee suggested bringing back High Five Fridays. Nicole Wolf asked for an update on preschool bussing and an idea of the yearly cost for preschool bussing. 


Correspondence: None

Adjournment: Director Giebelstein moved, seconded by Director McGhee to adjourn the meeting at 7:3pm. Motion carried 3/0.

Jen@iowaschool… Wed, 06/26/2024 - 15:52

2024.07.23 Special Meeting Board Minutes

2024.07.23 Special Meeting Board Minutes




JULY 23, 2024


The Bennett Board of Education met for a work session on Tuesday, July 23, 2024 in

the staff workroom of the Bennett Community School, Bennett, IA. President Dani Pratt called the meeting to order at 5:36pm. Directors Denise McGhee, Chad Giebelstein, and

Nicole Wolf answered roll call and a quorum was declared. Also present were Superintendent Shane Knoche, Board Secretary Kylee Yoerger, Principal Jeremiah Costello via Zoom, and Tammi Drawbaugh. Director Greg Reynolds was absent. 


Director Giebelstein motioned, seconded by Director Nicole Wolf to enter a work session with the Iowa Association of School Boards representative Tammi Drawbaugh. Motion carried 3/0.


The work session was focused on the roles of the board and board goals.


Director Giebelstein motioned, seconded by Director Wolf to adjourn the meeting at 8:04pm. Motion carried 3/0.

kylee.yoerger@… Thu, 10/24/2024 - 15:40

2024.08.12 Board Minutes

2024.08.12 Board Minutes



August 12, 2024


The Bennett Board of Education met for its regular monthly meeting on Monday, August 12, 2024 in the gymnasium of the Bennett Community School, Bennett, IA. President Dani Pratt called the meeting to order at 7:02pm. Directors Greg Reynolds, Denise McGhee, and Chad Giebelstein answered roll call and a quorum was declared. Director Nicole Wolf was absent. Also present were Superintendent Shane Knoche, Principal Jeremiah Costello, Board Secretary Kylee Yoerger, SRO Officer Diercks, Ian Bjurstrom, Juli Miller, Heather Sivia, Stacey Hennings, and Susan Stoefen.  


The mission statement was read.  


Staff/Student Forum: None


Public Forum: None


Superintendent’s Report: Mr. Knoche introduced Officer Diercks who will be Bennett’s SRO starting this year. Thank you to Ian and Teresa Bjurstrom for their feedback on safety plans as this feedback will help Officer Diercks as he reviews our EOP. Thank you to the school board members for the work session. Currently Mr. Knoche is continuing to meet with members of staff and the community for one on one meetings. 


Principal’s Report: The Summer Food Program served 12,000 meals. Staff has moved the safe security box to the bank in New Liberty. Amplify is all here and we will begin the year with three PD sessions. We are still finalizing the preschool class lists as new students sign up. Over the summer we moved offices. The music room carpet bids are on hold for now. Ms. Kress is beginning to work towards her administration degree this year. Mr. Knoche and Mr. Costello attended a leadership retreat and the SAI conference this summer. Unpack your backpack night is the 21st, the 20th and 21st are in-service days, and the 22nd is a planning day. Please see Mr. Costello after the meeting if you are interested in an apparel form for this year. 


Director Giebelstein moved, seconded by Director McGhee to approve the agenda. Motion carried 3/0.


General Business of the Board:  

8a: Director Giebelstein moved, seconded by Director McGhee to approve the minutes from July 8th, claims totaling $56,050.74 and July financials. Motion carried 3/0. 

-Open Enrollment denial: (requested after the deadline) 

8b: Policy Review: Attendance Policy 501.09 and 501.09 R (1), Title IX materials and Policy - court case is still in 8th Circuit.

-Board Committees:

Policy (Pratt, McGhee)

Facilities/Operations (Giebelstein, Reynolds)

Negotiations/Interest Based Problem Solving (Prett, Reynolds)

Finance (Reynolds, Wolf)

8c: Director Giebelstein moved, seconded by Director McGhee to approve hiring an afternoon custodian. Motion carried 3/0.

8d: Director McGhee moved, seconded by Director Giebelstein to approve instating three bus stops in the city of Bennett as well as the city of New Liberty. Motion carried 3/0.

8e: Emergency Operations Plan for review.

8f: Director Giebelstein moved, seconded by Director McGhee to approve hiring Maureen Dolan as the Preschool Teacher.  Motion carried 3/0.

Director Giebelstein moved, seconded by Director Reynolds to approve hiring Curtis Wendel as a Paraprofessional. Motion carried 3/0.

Director Giebelstein moved, seconded by Director Reynolds to approve hiring Kendell Durant as a Nutrition Aide. Motion carried 3/0.



9a: An additional carpet bid will be obtained but the project will be on hold for now. 

9b: Review 200 Series for board members. 


Correspondence: None

Adjournment: Director Giebelstein moved, seconded by Director McGhee to adjourn the meeting at 7:59pm. Motion carried 3/0.

Jen@iowaschool… Tue, 07/23/2024 - 13:38

2024.09.09 Board Minutes

2024.09.09 Board Minutes




September 9, 2024


The Bennett Board of Education met for its regular monthly meeting on Monday, September 9, 2024 in the conference room of the Bennett Community School, Bennett, IA. President Dani Pratt called the meeting to order at 7:01pm. Directors Greg Reynolds, Nicole Wolf, and Chad Giebelstein answered roll call and a quorum was declared. Director Denise McGhee was absent. Also present were Superintendent Shane Knoche, Principal Jeremiah Costello, Board Secretary Kylee Yoerger, Juli Miller, Heather Sivia, and Jen Slater.  


The mission statement was read.  


Director Giebelstein moved, seconded by Director Wolf to approve the agenda. Motion carried 3/0.


Public Forum: None


Consent Agenda: 

A: Minutes from August 12, 2024 Meeting

B: Financial Report as of August 31, 2024 (including Nutrition Fund)

C: August Bills + $40,814.34 to Central DeWitt Consortium

D: Hires & Resignations-Betty Jo Schmitt as Head Cook

Director Giebelstein moved, seconded by Director Wolf to approve the consent agenda items. Motion carried 3/0.


Superintendent’s Report: Mr. Knoche has been visiting the elementary classrooms, playground, and riding along for bus rides. The first “Fist Bump Friday” was great thanks to the Cedar County Sheriff's Department. Currently up to 75 individual meetings. Looking into a permanent stop sign by the school and flashing lights for pedestrians to cross the highway safely. 


Principal’s Report: Attended a statewide curriculum meeting about chronic absenteeism and persistently at risk. Asset tagging has been completed. Mr. Costello advised he has been supporting our new preschool teacher with IGDI’s, Gold, and Early Childhood LETRs. The staff professional development first day back was a large success thanks to Mr. Knoche! The first few days of school have been hot so students were all provided with water for bus rides. The building feels great with students back in it!


Committee Reports: None


Old Business: 

A: Title IX materials and Policy - court case still in 8th Circuit -second reading is not needed at this time.

B: Board Committees

  1. Policy - Dani, Denise

    1. 2nd Monday of the Month 5:30-7pm

  1. Facilities/Operations - Chad, Greg

    1. Sept 17 4-5:30pm, Oct 29 4-5:30pm , Feb 25 4-5:30 June 3 4-5pm

  1. Negotiations/Interest Based Problem Solving - Dani, Chad

    1. Starting in January will try for Tuesdays

  1. Finance - Greg, Nicole

    1. End of November 5 year look, early March upcoming budget


New Business:

A: Policy Review: 

i. Second Reading: 

1. Attendance Policy 501.09 and 501.09 R (1) 

Ii. First Reading 602.17 Open Enrollment will replace:  Wolf, Reynolds

  1. 501.14 - Open Enrollment Transfers - Procedures as a Sending District

  2. 501.15 - Open Enrollment Transfers - Procedures as a Receiving District

B: Level I Investigator-Mrs. Sugar and Mr. Costello, Building Principal; Level II Investigator- Warren Wethington, Cedar County Sheriff’s Department; Title IX and Equity Coordinator-Shane Knoche, Superintendent; Homeless Liaison-Ms Koranda; District Attorney-Ahlers&Cooney  Director Giebelstein moved, seconded by Director Wolf to approve. Motion carried 3/0.


Board Comments/Correspondence: 

A: Board members reviewed the Board Policy 200 Series. 

B: Any board members available to go to the IASB Annual Convention let Mr. Knoche know by 9/23. Director Greg Reynolds volunteered to be the Bennett CSD Delegate.


Adjournment: Director Giebelstein moved, seconded by Director Wolf to adjourn the meeting at 7:43pm. Motion carried 3/0.

kylee.yoerger@… Thu, 10/24/2024 - 15:39

2024.10.14 Board Minutes

2024.10.14 Board Minutes




October 14, 2024


The Bennett Board of Education met for its regular monthly meeting on Monday, October 14, 2024 in the conference room of the Bennett Community School, Bennett, IA. President Dani Pratt called the meeting to order at 7:03pm. Directors Greg Reynolds, Nicole Wolf, Denise McGhee, and Chad Giebelstein answered roll call and a quorum was declared. Also present were Superintendent Shane Knoche, Principal Jeremiah Costello, Board Secretary Kylee Yoerger, John Hulick, Sharon Jamison, and Jen Slater.  


The mission statement was read.  


Director Wolf moved, seconded by Director Giebelstein to approve the agenda. Motion carried 4/0.


Public Forum: Bennett City Council member John H. discussed the possibility of adding a stop sign at Main St and 3rd St due to student’s crossing if the school is interested in partnering with the city.


Consent Agenda: 

A: Minutes from September 9, 2024 Meeting

B: Financial Report as of September 30, 2024 (including Nutrition Fund)

C: September Bills + $53,840.86 

D: Hires & Resignations-Wyatt Winters as Afternoon Custodian

Director Wolf moved, seconded by Director Giebelstein to approve the consent agenda items. Motion carried 4/0.


Superintendent’s Report: Mr. Knoche met with Governor Reynolds to discuss preschool funding and sharing agreements with schools. He also attended Executive Leaders. Mr. Knoche met with the AEA about our alternative school agreement and the benefits to the school. Additionally he attended the Leading with Impact and attended the superintendent’s meeting. Mr. Knoche is continuing to work on state reporting with Mr. Costello. 


Principal’s Report: Thank you to Bomber Boosters for the conference meals as well as the FAST Testing treats for students and staff! Fall conferences went well. Administration met with the Cedar County Sheriff about our school’s reunification plan and all staff will be attending Run, Hide, Fight Training on Oct. 30th. Ms. Kress is currently working on receiving her degree in Administration. The school’s Therapy Dog Gilbert has successfully completed training. The second grade class tagged and released Monarch butterflies. All students and staff participated in the annual Healthiest State Walk. Thank you to both Tipton and Durant students for celebrating Homecoming with Bennett.


Committee Reports: 

A: Facilities - Next meeting Oct. 29th 4:00pm - 5:30pm 

B: Policy - Next meeting Nov 11 5:45pm - 6:55pm


Old Business: 

  1. Board Committees

i. Policy - Dani, Denise

  1. 2nd Monday of the Month 5:45-6:55pm

  1.  Facilities/Operations - Chad, Greg

    1. Sept 17 4-5:30pm, Oct 29 4-5:30pm , Feb 25 4-5:30 June 3 4-5pm

  2. Negotiations/Interest Based Problem Solving - Dani, Chad

    1. Starting in January will try for Tuesdays

  3. Finance - Greg, Nicole

    1. End of November 5 year look 

    2. Early March upcoming budget


New Business:

A: Policy Review: 

I. First Reading: None

II. Second Reading: 602.17 Open Enrollment. Director Giebelstein moved, seconded by Director Wolf. Motion carried 4/0.

  1. 501.14 - Open Enrollment Transfers - Procedures as a Sending District

  2. 501.15 - Open Enrollment Transfers - Procedures as a Receiving District


Board Comments/Correspondence: 

A: IASB Annual Convention - Nov. 20-22 2024, Iowa Events Center, Des Moines 

B: Bennett Delegate Greg Reynolds & CW Delegate Jay Ganzer


Adjournment: Director McGhee moved, seconded by Director Wolf to adjourn the meeting at 7:59pm. Motion carried 4/0.

kylee.yoerger@… Thu, 10/24/2024 - 15:40

2024.11.11 Board Minutes

2024.11.11 Board Minutes



November 11, 2024


The Bennett Board of Education met for its regular monthly meeting on Monday, November 11, 2024 in the conference room of the Bennett Community School, Bennett, IA. President Dani Pratt called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. Directors Greg Reynolds, Denise McGhee, and Chad Giebelstein answered roll call and a quorum was declared. Also present were Superintendent Shane Knoche, Principal Jeremiah Costello, Board Secretary Kylee Yoerger, Heather Sivia, Juli Miller, Stacey Hennings, and Jen Slater.  


  1. Call to Order

    1. Roll Call Greg Reynolds present, Denise McGhee present, Chad Giebelstein present, Dani Pratt present

    2. The Mission Statement was read.

    3. Director Giebelstein moved, seconded by Director McGhee to approve the agenda. Motion carried 3/0. 

  2. Public Forum - None

  3. Director Giebelstein moved, seconded by Director McGhee to approve the consent agenda items. Motion carried 3/0. 

    1. Minutes from Oct 14, 2024 Meeting

    2. Financial Report as of Oct 2024 (including Nutrition Fund)

    3. Bills $12,253.55

    4. Hires & Resignations - G. Saylor resigned

    5. Staff Laptop Replacement - quote from CDW-G for $14,842.20

  4. Administrative Reports

    1. Jeremiah Costello - Veteran’s Day program was well attended and everyone who helped did a great job. Learned about the 5  Essential Core Measures at the Leading for Impact meeting. End of the 1st trimester is November 14th. No school Friday November 15th. Report cards will be sent the following week. No school November 27th-29th. The Winter Concert will be December 9th. Board meeting will be prior to the concert. There will be two upcoming sporting events in the Bomber Dome, Cal-Wheat vs Durant basketball November 25th and Tipton vs Durant wrestling December 19th. 

    2. Shane Knoche - Scheduling SIAC for Late November or Early December - will send out letters for that. 5 year projection conference - went with SBO Amanda, we are in a good position but it is time to start cutting back on expenses now to avoid needing to make large cuts down the road. Explanation of filling open board position - current vacancy on school board, school board can appoint a member after 14 days, the position will only be until the next election. PPEL Possibility - 0.67 on taxes, if raised to the max $1.34, community would have to vote yes, the tax amount would remain the same to the public because we would lower the tax for management and increase it for PPEL.

  5. Committee Reports

    1. Facilities - Oct. 29th 4:00pm - 5:30pm - Looked at how to make the building more secure, began discussion with the city about potentially sharing a librarian and a library

    2. Policy - Next meeting Nov 11 5:45pm - 6:55pm

  6. Old Business

  7. New Business

    1. Board Goals Draft to be discussed and approved in December

    2. Policy Review: 

First Reading


Title of Policy

Replaces Bennett # if different from IASB


Legal Status of the School District



Equal Education Opportunity



Equal Education Opportunity (all Es and Rs updated also)



Grievance Procedures



Equal Educational Opportunity - Annual Notice of Discrimination



Equal Educational Opportunity - Continuous Notice of Discrimination



Exhibit 102-E(3): Equal Educational Opportunity - Notice of Section 504 Student and Parental Rights



Exhibit 102-E(4): Equal Educational Opportunity - Discrimination Complaint Form



Long-Range Needs Assessment



Employee Expression


Second Reading


Open Enrollment Transfers - Procedures as a Sending District



Open Enrollment Transfers - Procedures as a Receiving District



Motion to approve the second reading Chad Giebelstein, seconded by Director Denise McGhee. Motion carried 3/0. 


  1. Board Comments/Correspondence

    1. IASB Annual Convention - Nov. 20-22 2024, Iowa Events Center, Des Moines

    2. Day on the Hill - Tuesday, Jan. 28 SAVE THE DATE! The Iowa Association of School Boards (IASB), School Administrators of Iowa (SAI) and Iowa’s Area Education Agencies (AEAs) invite you to the 2025 Day on the Hill! This advocacy event will begin at the State Historical Building in the morning for an optional brief session on talking points and logistical information for advocating at the Capitol. Following the training, attendees will head to the Capitol to meet and network with legislators in the rotunda and to support the displays showing innovative programs and initiatives happening in Iowa public schools.

    3. School Board Vacancy


Motion to adjourn by Greg Reynolds, seconded by Denise McGhee. Motion carried 3/0. 


kylee.yoerger@… Mon, 12/02/2024 - 10:44

2024.12.03 Special Meeting Board Minutes

2024.12.03 Special Meeting Board Minutes


Bennett Community School District

Dec 3rd, 2024

5:30 PM

  1. Call to Order at 5:30pm

    1. Roll Call - Director Reynolds, Director McGhee, Director Giebelstein, and Director Pratt all in attendance. Also present were Superintendent Shane Knoche, Principal Jeremiah Costello, and Board Secretary Kylee Yoerger. 

  2. Appoint a New Board Member Pursuant to Iowa Code 279.6 - Director Reynolds moved, seconded by Director McGhee to appoint Ian Bjurstrom to the school board vacancy. Vote - Director Reynolds voted Yes, Director Pratt voted Yes, Director McGhee voted Yes, Director Giebelstein voted Yes. Motion carried. 

  3. Adjournment - Director Giebelstein moved, seconded by Director McGhee to adjourn at 5:55pm. Motion carried 3/0. 

kylee.yoerger@… Fri, 12/20/2024 - 11:37

2024.12.09 Board Minutes

2024.12.09 Board Minutes


Dec 9th, 2024

5:30 PM



  1. Call to Order 5:32pm

    1. Roll Call - Director Reynolds, Director McGhee, Director Giebelstein, Director Bjurstrom, and Director Pratt were all in attendance. Also present were Superintendent Shane Knoche, Principal Jeremiah Costello, and Board Secretary Kylee Yoerger. 

    2. Mission Statement

    3. Approval of Agenda - Director Reynolds moved, seconded by Director McGhee to approve. Motion carried 4/0.

  2. Seating of new board member

    1. Oath of Office of New Board Member 

  3. Public Forum - Boosters President Denise advised Santa’s Workshop was a big success!

  4. Consent Agenda - Director Giebelstein moved, seconded by Director Reynolds to approve. Motion carried 4/0.

    1. Minutes from Nov 11, 2024 Meeting

    2. Financial Report as of Nov 2024 (including Nutrition Fund)

    3. December Bills & Additional Bills

    4. Hires & Resignations 

  5. Administrative Reports

    1. Jeremiah -Thank you to Boosters for another great year with Santa’s Workshop. Our Winter Concert is this evening. The Basketball game had an amazing turnout. Currently working on the Preschool Desk Audit. The IASB Convention was very informative. Kitchen Aid has been hired. Veteran’s Day was well attended. The Food Pantry continues to be successful with Ms. Koranda leading the ordering and running of the pantry.

    2. Shane - Veteran’s Day Program was wonderful! Santa’s Workshop was an incredible event to see and be a part of. Kylee and Greg went to the IASB Convention and brought back a lot of information. SIAC meeting will be Wed, Dec 11th from 4 pm - 5 pm. TLC time card system (23 employees) - electronic time card system to help reduce time working on paper time cards, annual license fee would be $1400 ($61.20/person), one-time implementation would be $1680. 

  6. Committee Reports

    1. Facilities -nothing at this time

    2. Policy -nothing at this time

  7. Old Business -none

  8. New Business

    1. Microwave Steamer Expense - Director McGhee moved, seconded by Director Reynolds to approve the purchase of a Microwave Steamer Oven from Wilson Restaurant Supply for $5,430.93. Motion carried 4/0.

    2. Review Committee (SBRC) Increased Enrollment - The district’s administration is authorized to submit a request to the School Budget Review Committee for a modified supplemental amount of $38025.60 due to an increase of certified enrollment from the prior year. Director Giebelstein moved, seconded by Director McGhee to approve. Motion carried 4/0.

    3. SBRC - Open Enrollment Out Not on Prior Year’s Headcount - The district’s administration is authorized to submit a request to the School Budget Review Committee for a modified supplemental amount of $68572 for open enrolled out students who were not included in the district’s previous year certified enrollment count. Director Giebelstein moved, seconded by Director McGhee to approve. Motion carried 4/0.

    4. Voted PPEL - March or November vs Management Fund - Director McGhee moved, seconded by Director Reynolds to approve moving forward with this. Motion carried 4/0.

    5. Safety Grant: Finalize and approve each phase up to $50,000 total - Director Giebelstein moved, seconded by Director McGhee to approve each phase up to $50,000. Motion carried 3/0. Director Reynolds abstained due to conflict of interest.

      1. Video Cameras - $19,320.00 

      2. Access Security Phase I - outside Door entry and notification - $24,365.00 

      3. Access  Security Phase II - $23,400 

      4. Access Security Phase III - $18,720.00 

    6. Board Goals Draft to be discussed and approved in December - Tabled until future meeting.

    7. Policy Review - Director McGhee moved, seconded by Director Reynolds to approve First Reading. Motion carried 4/0. Director Bjustrom moved, seconded by Director McGhee to approve Second Reading. Motion carried 4/0.

First Reading


Title of Policy

Replaces Bennett # if different from IASB


Assistance Animals



Organization of the Board of Directors


Second Reading


Title of Policy

Replaces Bennett # if different from IASB


Legal Status of the School District



Equal Education Opportunity



Equal Education Opportunity (all Es and Rs updated also)



Grievance Procedures



Equal Educational Opportunity - Annual Notice of Discrimination



Equal Educational Opportunity - Continuous Notice of Discrimination



Exhibit 102-E(3): Equal Educational Opportunity - Notice of Section 504 Student and Parental Rights



Exhibit 102-E(4): Equal Educational Opportunity - Discrimination Complaint Form



Long-Range Needs Assessment



Employee Expression



  1. Board Comments/Correspondence

    1. IASB Annual Convention - Nov. 20-22 2024, Iowa Events Center, Des Moines

    2. Day on the Hill - Tuesday, Jan. 28 SAVE THE DATE! The Iowa Association of School Boards (IASB), School Administrators of Iowa (SAI) and Iowa’s Area Education Agencies (AEAs) invite you to the 2025 Day on the Hill! This advocacy event will begin at the State Historical Building in the morning for an optional brief session on talking points and logistical information for advocating at the Capitol. Following the training, attendees will head to the Capitol to meet and network with legislators in the rotunda and to support the displays showing innovative programs and initiatives happening in Iowa public schools.

Director Giebelstein moved, seconded by Director McGhee to adjourn at 6:15pm. Motion carried 4/0.

kylee.yoerger@… Fri, 12/20/2024 - 11:44

2025.1.13 Board Minutes

2025.1.13 Board Minutes


Bennett Community School Board 

January 13, 2025 


  1. Call to Order at 7pm

    1. Roll Call - Directors Pratt, Reynolds, McGhee, Giebelstein, and Bjurstrom all present. Also in attendance were Superintendent Shane Knoche, Principal Jeremiah Costello, Board Secretary Kylee Yoerger, Juli Miller, Heather Sivia, Julie Semsch, and Susan Stoefen. 

    2. Mission Statement

    3. Approval of Agenda - Director McGhee moved, seconded by Director Giebbelstein to approve. Motion carried 4/0.

  2. Public Forum - A member of the public voiced concern about charter schools becoming more prevalent in Iowa. 

  3. Consent Agenda  - Director Giebbelstein moved, seconded by Director McGhee to approve. Motion carried 4/0.

    1. Minutes from Dec 12, 2024 Meeting

    2. Financial Report as of Dec 2024 (including Nutrition Fund)

    3. January Bills & Additional Bills

    4. Hires & Resignations 

  4. Administrative Reports

    1. Jeremiah - 

    2. Shane - Mr. Knoche advised he has been riding buses with students lately. 

      1. PPEL Article - will be sent to newspapers and put in school communications to educate the community about PPEL changes

      2. PPEL Presentation - meetings on 2/10 and 2/24 to present information

  5. Committee Reports

    1. Facilities - No updates

    2. Policy  - Progress is being made to update all policy numbers

  6. Old Business

    1. Microwave steamer extended warranty followup - No extended warranty

  7. New Business

    1. Durant WGS agreement &  2025/26 28E Agreement - Director Giebbelstein moved, seconded by Director McGhee to approve. Motion carried 4/0.

    2. PPEL Resolution - Resolution Ordering Election on the Question of Amending the Current Levy for the Voter Approved Physical Plant and Equipment Property Tax  - Director Reynolds moved, seconded by Director Giebelstein to approve. Role call vote - Mcghee yes, Giebelstein yes, Bjurstrom yes, Reynolds yes, Pratt yes. Motion carried.

      1. Raise Voted PPEL $.067 to $1.34

      2. Vote will be on Tuesday, March 4, 2025

    3. Iowa Performance Profile report - Mr. Costello presented Bennett CSD’s performance profile for the 2023/2024 school year. 

    4. SIAC Goals and share Data Presentation - Director Giebelstein moved, seconded by Director Reynolds to approve these goals. Motion carried 4/0.

    5. At risk informational and approval - Director Giebelstein moved, seconded by Director McGhee to approve the request for Modified Supplemental amount for $$32,698 for At-Risk Dropout Prevention and Approve At-Risk Dropout Prevention program. Motion carried 4/0.

    6. Board Goals - Director Reynolds moved, seconded by Director Giebelstein to approve. Motion carried 4/0.

    7. Policy Review - Director Giebelsteins moved, seconded by Director McGhee to approve. Motion carried 4/0.


Second  Reading


Title of Policy

Replaces Bennett # if different from IASB


Assistance Animals



Organization of the Board of Directors


First Reading


Title of Policy

Replaces Bennett # if different from IASB


  1. Board Comments/Correspondence - Tabled till January

    1. IASB Annual Convention - Nov. 20-22 2024, Iowa Events Center, Des Moines

    2. Day on the Hill - Tuesday, Jan. 28 


 Director Giebelstein moved, seconded by Director Reynolds to adjourn at 8pm. Motion carried 4/0.


Bennett Annual Meeting Following Regular Meeting
1. Board secretary will call meeting to order 8:01

2. Election of Officers: Secretary calls for nominations for Board President. Nominations do not need to be seconded. If only one member is nominated, a motion may be made to appoint that person by acclamation in a voice vote; if more than one is nominated a recorded vote is required. Director Reynolds nominated Dani Pratt, there were no other nominations. Director Giebelstein moved, seconded by Director McGhee to appoint Dani Pratt as President of the board. Motion carried 4/0. 

3. Newly elected President will take over the meeting and call for the election of Vice President following the same protocol as #2. Director McGhee nominated Greg Reynolds, there were no other nominations. Director Giebelstein moved, seconded by Director McGhee to appoint Greg Reynolds as Vice President of the board. Motion carried 4/0. 

4. Director Giebelstein moved, seconded by Director McGhee to adjourn at 8:03pm.

kylee.yoerger@… Thu, 01/16/2025 - 12:23



Click here to access historical board agendas & minutes.


kylee.yoerger@… Fri, 11/08/2024 - 09:40