1001.02 - Board of Directors and Community Relations
1001.02 - Board of Directors and Community RelationsThe board recognizes the need for a communications program to provide effective two-way communications between the school district and the community. The school district’s communications program shall strive to meet the following goals:
*To keep the citizens and school district personnel informed through a regular flow of information about the school district and its program;
*To encourage and organize the interchange of ideas between the school district and the community by developing and implementing techniques for community involvement in the school district and for school district involvement in the community; and
*To assess public knowledge, attitudes and concerns on a regular basis.
It shall be the responsibility of the administration to establish and maintain an on-going communications program with school district personnel and the community. The administration shall make a recommendation to the board annually for changes in the communications program.
Legal Reference: Iowa Code Chapter 22, §279.8 (1991)
Cross Reference: 217 Board of Directors Relationships
302 Administration Relationships
402 General Personnel and Outside Relationships
1004 Public Participation in the School District
Approved: 6-8-92
Reviewed: 5-10-21
Revised: 1-12-98