The Board shall conduct an orderly board meeting. The Board will, at all regular board meetings, follow an agenda order similar to:
- Call to Order
2. Declaration of Quorum
3. Adoption of Agenda
4. Business Functions
5. Public Speaks
A. Staff
6. Reports/Information
A. Administrative Reports
7. Unfinished Business
8. Personnel
9. New Business
10. Announcements
11. Adjournment
The tentative agenda shall be specific enough to properly inform the public of the business before the Board. The tentative agenda can be amended within the 24-hour notice period only if good cause exists requiring action on additional matters. If such matters are added, a statement to that effect should be entered in the minutes, and as much advance notice as possible should be given to the public and the media. This is not meant to prevent the Board or members of the public or the staff from introducing items for discussion only; action on discussion items, however, must normally be deferred to a subsequent meeting when the legally required notice can be given.
Legal Reference: Iowa Code Chapter 21 (1991)
Cross Reference: 211 Board of Directors Meetings
214.1 Board of Directors Agenda
215 Public Participation in Board of Directors Meetings
218 Board of Directors Minutes
1001.1 Examination of School District Records
Approved: 2-10-92
Reviewed: 9-11-23
Revised: 5-10-99